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Statistical Analysis [7-7]
Correlation Analysis
The correlation coefficient (r) can be used to measure the strength of association between two variables.
The ICECREAM data set contains the list of ice-cream sales and the daily temperature for 50 days.
The owner of the ice-cream truck wants to find out whether the ice-cream sales is associated with the daily temperature.
The correlation coefficient (r) between ice-cream sales and the temperature is computed.
Proc Corr Data=Icecream;
var temp sales;
Proc Corr computed the correlation coefficient:
The correlation coefficient is 0.31235.
This indicates a weak positive correlation between temperature and ice-cream sales.
When temperature goes up, the ice-cream sales tend to go up as well.
Correlation Matrix
You can also plot the correlation matrix using the PLOTS option.
Proc Corr Data=Icecream plots=matrix;
var temp sales;
The plots option plots the matrix on the output:
A slight upward trend can be seen from the plot.
Hypothesis Testing
Proc Corr also computes the p-value for the following hypothesis:
H0: r=0
H1: r≠0
In our example, the p-value is less than 0.05:
This rejects the hypothesis that r is 0.
The positive correlation found from the samples is unlikely to have happened by chance.
Copy and run the WINE data set from the yellow box below:
Copy and run the WINE data set from the yellow box below:
The WINE data set contains the price and demand for a list of wines.
Compute the correlation coefficient between the price and demand of the wines.
Briefly describe the association between the two.
Need some help?
A simple Proc Corr should generate the correlation coefficient.
Proc Corr Data=Wine;
Var Price Qty;
The correlation coefficient is -0.60871.
The price and the demand of the wine are negatively and moderately correlated.
When the price of the wine goes up, the demand of the wine tends to go down.
The p-value (e.g. <0.0001) indicates the coefficient is significantly different than zero.
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