Sentry Page Protection
** Restaurant spenders who have made 3+ restaurant spending a month **; proc sql; create table tran_rest as select custno, MCC, count(*) as num_transaction, mean(transaction_amount) as avgamt from transaction_table_202001 where MCC in ('5812', '5813', '5814') group by custno, MCC order by custno, MCC; quit; proc sql; select MCC, mean(num_transaction) as avg_transaction_cnt, mean(avgamt) as avg_spend from tran_rest group by MCC order by MCC; quit; ** Further Analysis **; proc sql; create table tran_rest2 as select custno, count(*) as num_transaction, mean(transaction_amount) as avgamt from transaction_table_202001 where MCC in ('5812', '5813') group by custno order by custno; quit; proc freq data=tran_rest2; table num_transaction; run; **** Target: restaurant spenders with no more than 3 times spending and income > 80000 ****; proc sql; create table target_base_temp1 as select * from tran_rest2 where num_transaction <=3; quit; proc sql; create table target_base3 as select a.*, b.income, age, gender, marketing_consent, phone, status from target_base_temp1 a inner join customer_base b on a.custno = b.custno where income > 80000; quit; **** Campaign Execution ****; ***** Campaign Execution *****; ** (1) Create lead **; ** (2) Filter exclusion: Promotion History / DO-NOT-CALL / INACTIVE / NO MARKETING CONSENT **; proc sql; create table lead2_temp1 as select * from target_base3 where phone not in (select do_not_call_number from do_not_call) and status = 1 and marketing_consent = 1; quit; proc sql; create table promo_count_6plus as select custno, count(*) as num_promo from promotion_history group by custno having num_promo >=6; quit; proc sql; create table lead2_temp2 as select *, 'Restaurant Promotion' as Promo_name from lead2_temp1 where custno not in (select custno from promo_count_6plus); quit; ** Set assign 10% control **; data lead2 lead2_control; set lead2_temp2; randvalue = ranuni(100); if randvalue < 0.1 then output lead2_control; else output lead2; drop randvalue; run; filename lead2 '/folders/myfolders/Projects/Credit Card/lead2.txt'; data _null_; set lead2; file lead2; put @1 custno @20 Promo_name; run; **** Tracking ****; data all_lead2; set lead2 (in=a) lead2_control (in=b); length flag $8; if a then flag = 'Target'; else if b then flag = 'Control'; run; ** Spending in 202002 **; proc sql; create table tran_track_temp1 as select a.*, age, income, gender, flag from transaction_table_202002 a inner join all_lead2 b on a.custno = b.custno order by a.custno; quit; ** Did Target group customers make more transaction than control? **; proc sql; create table tran_track as select custno, flag, count(*) as num_transac, sum(transaction_amount) as tot_spend from tran_track_temp1 group by custno, flag order by custno, flag; quit; proc ttest data=tran_track; class flag; var tot_spend; run; proc ttest data=tran_track; class flag; var num_transac; run; |