Sentry Page Protection
Credit Card Project [6-6]
The final step of the promotion is to give customers a reward after they have met the promotion criteria. The promotion criteria are as follows:
Example 1: Tom has spent $3500 in February. He is eligible to receive ($3500 - $3000) * 0.03 = $15. Example 2: Susan has spent $15000 in February. She is eligible to receive ($15000 - $4000) * 0.03 = $550. However, the maximum rebate applies and she will only receive $200. Below is the code to calculate the rebate for each customer: data fulfillment; set tran_track; if tot_spend >3000 and flag = 'Target'; if 3000 < tot_spend <= 4000 then do; r_rate = 0.03; amount = r_rate*(tot_spend-3000); end; else if tot_spend > 4000 then do; r_rate = 0.04; amount = r_rate*(tot_spend-4000); end; Rebate = min(amount, 200); keep custno rebate; run; The rebate is calculated only for those in the target group, who spent more than $3000: The rebate rate and rebate amount are calculated based on the spending level: Finally, the rebate is capped at $200. The final output data set contains two columns:
We will now export the data set to a CSV file where the finance team can handle the rebate: proc export data=fulfillment outfile = '/folders/myfolders/Projects/Credit Card/target1_ful.csv' dbms=csv replace; run; Done! The CSV file is created with the rebate details: |